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#Badaga hindu movie

“The first movie I worked on with Marty after The Last Waltz was Raging Bull, and that’s where I got addicted to the power of what the music can do against the film, and the film can do against the music,” Robertson says. And Marty just pounded it right in your face! “Going Against the Idea” Raging Bull “This is music that is not great to listen to just before you go to sleep at night. Robertson assembled orchestral pieces by such contemporary composers as Krzysztof Penderecki and minimalist John Cage to evoke a “disturbed” atmosphere, Robertson says. He says, “You start listening to stuff and go ‘Ah ha! Here’s a clue, it’s leading to this song, but that’s not quite right either, it’s a little too cartoon–ish.’ The song’s supposed to have a sense of humor but it goes too far.” Though the behavior chronicled in Wolf of Wall Street often borders on Bacchanalian slapstick, Robertson, foraging through CDs archived in his Los Angeles studio, augmented by Spotify search-and-collect missions, filtered out material that seemed too jokey. Some songs are for specific scenes, and certain things are just like ‘Marty you gotta hear this.'” He has all these songs so he can try different things in different places. Typically, Robertson says, “I go through hundreds and hundreds of pieces of music over a period of months and build what I call Marty’s Juke Box. “It’s like a wishing well where you can just reach in there and pull stuff out.” “I remember Marty saying ‘You have this incredible library of music in your head,” says Robertson.

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Scorsese found in Robertson a musician who matched his own encyclopedic knowledge of cinema history with an equivalent mastery of song culture. Robertson, who shared song-picking responsibilities on Wolf with music supervisor Randall Poster, has served as Scorsese’s musical consigliere ever since 1978’s The Last Waltz concert film documenting the guitarist’s fabled rock group, The Band.

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The idea of putting hard Chicago blues against Leo’s character is really about this feeling of reckless abandonment.” Marty’s Juke Box Robertson recalls, “When they showed me some early scenes, I’m thinking to myself, ‘Can you do this in a movie?’ Leo threw himself right into the fire.

#Badaga hindu skin

“This is music that gets under your skin immediately.”įlying in the face of time-period correctness, blues-powered numbers play to the characters’ primal appetites displayed during Wolf‘s epic-scale debauchery.

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“Nobody but Marty and me would have chosen Smokestack Lightning for a movie that takes place in the ’80s and ’90s because it’s got nothing to do with anything except raw amazement,” Robertson laughs. Robertson’s song picks also include a swaggering 1963 Cannonball Adderly instrumental Mercy Mercy and the gritty Smokestack Lightning by mid-century blues shouter Howlin’ Wolf.

Badaga hindu